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Weekend Blog 15.06.24 – Howzat?!

Hello everyone.

I had to share this photo with you. Look at their faces! How much fun are our Year 6 boys having at lunchtime?!



Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. It was packed! As Craig (our guitar teacher) recently said “You can just feel the love in a Funky Friday Assembly.”



Congratulations to Elara (Year 3) and Kalindi (Year 5) on being presented with Oscars.

Elara had her first art exhibition last weekend! She has been determined to raise money for WaterAid and so created 13 pieces of art as part of the Adur Arts Trail. She’s already raised £13 for WaterAid. Elara said, everyone should have clean water to drink.

Kalindi was presented with an Oscar because of her fabulous attitude to learning. She approaches everything with such positivity. The quality of her work is amazing and she has such a great sense of humour. It is a triple whammy for Kalindi as she also received a Golden Ticket and a cricket certificate.



Congratulations to Raia and Sidney on receiving Gold Awards this week. Both are in Minnows Class.


Golden Ticketers this week are: Ruben and Ronnie (Minnows), Hunter and Hubert (Seashells), Ellia and Ella (Starfish), Sofia and Archie (Dolphins), Wilbur and Lola (Lighthouse), Yvie and Kalindi (Coral), Jack and Logan (Ocean). Well done all of you.



Lighthouse Class achieved the best attendance this week with 97.1%.  They chose to have Jazmine for the week.



Well done to the Year 5 and 6 pupils who went to Shoreham Academy and participated in their first cricket tournament.


This week saw the staff sharing a selection of their pupil’s art journals with each other.



How exciting! We have Froglets in the pond. Children have loved watching them develop from Tadpoles to Froglets. Hopefully, Damselflies, Dragonflies and Water Boatmen will visit at some time.



“Hello everyone. It’s been a bit of a sad week for me as Dixie has been off unwell. I always like to see her first thing in the morning when I arrive at school. Get well soon Dixie. I did however see lots of great work produced by the children. Here’s a photo of me with Reuben, Desmond and Grace. I also had Tommy from Minnows come and visit me. I’ve got a grassy garden Grandma. I’ll show you tomorrow.”



And finally…..this Year 6 maths display caught my eye this week. Parabolic Curves.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.


Mr Vallier

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