Hello everyone, hope you are well.
Thank you for your kind comments regarding the Funky Friday Assembly Video. A big thank you to the staff for getting into the spirit of it (especially Mrs Edwards – see photo).
Congratulations to our Oscar winners Joey (Year 4), Finley (Year 6) and Mrs Lamper.
On Monday we have a Harvest Assembly and a letter will be sent home regarding a food collection for Shoreham Food Bank and don’t forget Monday will also see the new times for the staggered start and end of the school day. This will hopefully reduce your wait time.
Reception Arrive Minnows gate 8:50am leave Minnows gate 3:00pm
Year 1 Arrive Minnows gate 8:40am leave Minnows gate 3:10pm
Year 2 Arrive Minnows gate 8:45am leave Minnows gate 3:15pm
Year 3 Arrive Cheal Close 8:45am leave Cheal Close 3:15pm
Year 4 Arrive Cheal Close 8:45am leave Cheal Close 3:15pm
Year 5 Arrive Cheal Close 8:40am leave Cheal Close 3:10pm
Year 6 Arrive Cheal Close 8:40am leave Cheal Close 3:10pm
Here’s a bedtime story for you:
Have a lovely rest of the weekend.
Mr Vallier