Hope you are well.
Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity this week. The amount of food and other items that were donated to Shoreham Food Bank was incredible. You are all quite amazing. Thank you again.
Congratulations to Ailsa (Year 5) on receiving the Oscar. Do check out her fundraising heroics and the story behind it all: https://www.randomactsofnonsense.co.uk/
Our Virtual Tour video for parents is almost ready to be uploaded to the website. This is for parents whose child will be starting school in September 2021. Tell everyone please……we want to be full again this year.
Finally, staff are preparing for Parent Consultation Evenings. These will take place ‘virtually’ on the 17th and 19th November. Details will follow soon.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone. Here is your weekly story:
Mr Vallier