Hello everyone,
I hope you are all well.
There have been lots of tired faces in school this last week (and not just the staff). There was also a really interesting discussion between some children on what time they should (and do) go to bed. I have added a little chart below. It makes for an interesting discussion.
Anyway, thank you for your positive comments regarding parent consultation evenings. The teachers certainly found it useful to discuss the impact on both the remote and bubble learners during lockdown.
Congratulations to Ella, Jesse and Ronnie on receiving Gold Awards and to Eli and Finley on receiving Oscars.
Also, congratulations to all 202 pupils on achieving this term’s house point total. This means a whole school treat is coming your way after Easter.
Have a great weekend everyone and don’t forget that the clocks ‘spring forward’ at 1am tomorrow morning.
Mr Vallier