Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
Thank you to all the parents and grandparents who joined us for our weekly Funky Friday Assembly which are used to lift our spirits, celebrate achievements, sing together and feel positive leading into the weekend. As Alex in Year 2 said “When we sing together, it’s like we are one voice.”
We celebrated World Mental Health Day during the week with the Junior Governors encouraging the teachers and children to think and talk about healthy minds, resilience, kindness, patience and finding a suitable time and place to relax and reflect.
With this in mind, we have arranged for a Therapy Dog to join us every Thursday for an hour. Dazee and her owner Bridget will offer the opportunity for children to read and talk in a quiet environment. Mrs Lamper will also be present during the sessions. Dazee and Bridget will be coming in to meet you in our Monday Assembly next week ready to start the sessions for children who we feel will benefit after the half term break. Dazee is a trained therapy dog and works for Therapy Dogs Nationwide. Check out the Paws and Read section on their website: http://tdn.org.uk/
Congratulations to triple whammy winner Sophie – who not only received a medal for being part of our winning Basketball team, but also a Golden Ticket and an Oscar. Well done Sophie.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier