Hello everyone.
Thank you for working with us to reduce the spread of COVID cases across the school. It has been an incredibly worrying time for staff, parents and children – especially those who are medically vulnerable or who have medically vulnerable family members. I do believe we made the right decision to reintroduce KS2 bubbles and avoid large groups mixing. It minimised the risk and contained the infections to two classes. We hope everyone can have a safe and healthy Christmas.
It has been an incredibly challenging couple of weeks – yet it has also demonstrated what a fantastic staff team I have. We are only a small school, so when we are hit with a significant number of staff absence due to illness – it inevitably has a massive impact on the smooth running of the workplace.
In addition…….Minnows, Seashells and Starfish performed ‘Angel Express’ during the week. They all did incredibly well. Thank you to David Parker (Artistic Director for Figment Arts) for offering to record the performance so as parents could watch their child perform.
Don’t forget to get your last minute PTFA Christmas Hamper tickets by texting BEACH21 to 70331. The cost is £3.00 per text and you have until 13th December.
Finally, a warm welcome to Hayley Tucker. Hayley replaces Ros Deedman who worked in the school as Bursar for just over five years. If you see Hayley in the front office – do say hello.