Hello everyone.
I hope you are well.
This week the children enjoyed cooking, painting, yoga, singing and parachute games as part of Wellness Wednesday. KS1 had a visit from a drama company on Monday and on Tuesday the children were involved in activities linked to Safer Internet Day.We also saw the first phase of development in our Early Years outside area. The children loved watching the different groundwork teams laying out the new race track, playground markings, artificial grass and theatre back drop.
Thank you for your continued lovely comments regarding Funky Friday Assembly. Congratulations to Riley and Jack on receiving Gold Awards. It was a double whammy for Riley who was also presented with a Golden Ticket.
Congratulations to Arthur who also experienced a double whammy by receiving a Golden Ticket and an Oscar. Arthur – you are amazing.
Finally, I can’t finish this blog without saying how proud we are of our superb Year 6 dancers. Last night they opened the Shoreham Academy Dance Show and were absolutely fantastic. Check out the video below. A massive thank you to Shoreham Academy and to Caz Thomas who organised the workshops and made sure we were able to participate.
Thank you to those who have signed your children into breakfast and after-school club on the bus and don’t forget Nite Owls are visiting on Monday.
Mrs Edwards leaves us at the end of next week after 21 years at the school. We hope the next chapter will be an exciting adventure for her.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier