Hello everyone. I hope you remained safe and your homes remained intact during yesterday’s high winds. The school fence in Cheal Close got a bit of a bashing, but we are on to getting it sorted. Thank you to the parents who informed the school of the damage.
Thank you for your messages about the children missing Funky Friday Assembly due to the school being closed. If your child was expecting to receive a Golden Ticket, Gold Award or had been chosen to receive an Oscar – these will be carried over half term and presented in the Funky Friday Assembly on 4th March.
The children loved the visit from Nite Owls this week. The display was fabulous and every child had their photograph taken with Whisper the Barn Owl. It really was a magical experience for the children. After half term you will receive a small proof of the photograph with the option to order and pay for as many photographs as you wish. Details of how to order and pay will be sent home with the proof.
We also opened the bus this week for breakfast and after-school club. The children (and staff) loved it. If you haven’t yet booked your child on the bus. Follow the link that Mr Strugnell sent out via PING on 11th February or contact him after half term.
And finally, some of you asked what were the children singing in singing assembly on Wednesday? It was ‘Happy Together’ by The Turtles:
Have a fantastic half term break everyone.
Mr Vallier