Hello everyone.
I hope you are well.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended yesterday’s Funky Friday Assembly. What a great way to end the week and start the weekend.
Congratulations to Robyn, Theo, Alex, Ella, Nala, Beatrix, Emily, Faith and Cassidy on receiving Gold Awards. It was a double whammy for Cassidy, who also received a Golden Ticket.
Congratulations also to Dollie who was presented with an Oscar and a Golden Ticket (another double whammy). So well deserved. Watch out for Dollie playing the Friar in ‘Romeo and Juliet’ in a few weeks time.
Thank you to Kalindi, Danny, Eryn, Cassius, Jasmine and Amber for helping Mrs Crowhurst with the book fair last week. Without your help, it wouldn’t have run as smoothly.
Last week also saw Year 3-6 participate in the Community Games at Shoreham Academy. Year 3 came second in Bench ball, Year 4 came third (although it was really second) in Bench ball, Year 5 came first in Bench ball and Year 6 came first in Netball. Well done to you all.
Congratulations to Emily Badley, Eva Parfoot and Kalindi Coe for their excellent entries in the South of England Show Competition, the judges were really impressed. Their entries were showcased in the Countryside Hub at the show. Well done to Kalindi who received a highly commended certificate for a bright, happy inducing, dream catcher.
Finally, the PTFA have asked me to say a huge thank you to all those who purchased ice-creams after school during the week. Many parents and children commented on how needed they were. The PTFA also wanted me to remind you that they are a registered charity so people can organise sponsored events outside of PTFA events to raise money for the PTFA. Here is an example involving Herbie and his family: https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/katie-pettigrew-2?utm_term=XGJread4x
Enjoy the Glastonbury Weekend everyone. I watched Crowded House yesterday evening and I have to say – I think our version of ‘Weather With You’ is better.
Mr Vallier