Hello everyone.
I hope you are well.
Thank you for your comments regarding Funky Friday Assembly. It will return next week.
Well done to Coral Class and Lighthouse Class for putting on a fantastic festival performance. The sun shone and the crowd loved it. A big thank you to Mrs Shukla and Mx Crook for organising the Samba band and festival structures. A big thank you also to Gemma and the volunteers who provided the refreshments. My Twister ice lolly was delicious.
Last weekend saw the fabulous Glastonbury festival return and our very own Joey Frankland (Year 5) actually performed on one of the stages. What an amazing experience. The show, Gender Messy, explains about how we shouldn’t make assumptions about a person’s identity based on looks. There was puppetry and gunge and the audience loved it. Many people commented on how grown up and professional he was. Joey even got to watch Crowded House live on the Pyramid Stage. What a star!
On Wednesday, the school had a visit from The Skipping Workshop Company. Every child got a chance to skip and try out some individual rope tricks. Some even got to perform advanced rope tricks in the skipping assembly. Here’s a short video of Sophie and a few photos from the sessions:
Also on Wednesday, Coral Class were invited to be part of the Shoreham Academy Year 5 Fun Day along with children from the other locality schools. They loved it and received many positive comments about their attitude to learning, politeness and behaviour.
Finally, a massive congratulations and thank you to Herbie’s mum who ran 10K with his auntie, to raise money for the PTFA. Her target was £200 and she smashed it – bringing in £510 for the school She ran from Coast in Lancing along the seafront to Shoreham and back again to finish at Coast cafe at 6pm on Thursday evening. Thank you to all those who donated.
As part of our transition arrangements, on Tuesday morning and Thursday afternoon – your child will get to spend some time with the teacher they are having next year.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier