Hello everyone.
I hope you are all okay and keeping warm.
What a busy week we have had in school.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our final Funky Friday Assembly of 2022. What a lovely occasion culminating with Mrs Bennett and Ocean class playing the Ukuleles.
Congratulations to Zennor and Wilf on receiving their Oscars. Thoroughly well deserved for their positive attitude to learning, amazing maths and kindness.
Congratulations also to Naomi and Poppy on being presented with Gold Awards. You should feel very proud of yourselves.
Seashells Class had the best attendance this week with 98.4%. Lighthouse Class won the best attendance for the Autumn term with 98.2%.
Our Golden Ticketers this week were:
Wilf and Emmy (Minnows Class), Didi and Max (Seashells Class), Bodhi and Hettie (Starfish Class), Ella and Lola (Dolphins Class), Grace and Cleo (Lighthouse Class), Seren and Finley (Coral Class) and Lilah and Phoebe (Ocean Class). Well done to you all.
On Monday staff spent some time looking at Art Journals across the school. Here are a small selection:
On Wednesday, Coral Class visited the lifeboat station and had a fantastic time. One parent even wrote to me saying: “Thank you to the Year 5 teaching staff for providing the children with such enriching opportunities within their planned creative curriculum, even in such testing weather conditions! The children were so delighted that their planned school trip was to go ahead despite the hurdles in their way. Mrs Crowhurst and Mrs Clarke ensured that the children can still visit the lifeboat station. Thank you to you both, along with Mrs Bennett and Mrs Pascoe, we are extremely grateful for your energy, enthusiasm and positivity. I hope you can all feel your toes again now.”
We also saw the Infant Christmas production ‘A Midwife Crisis’ being performed this week. Thank you to the staff for working so hard in putting it on and well done to the children. You were all brilliant.
Thank you to Gemma and the PTFA for providing hot chocolate after school yesterday. I’ve heard a rumour that this will continue to happen every Friday through January and February.
Don’t forget to wear your Christmas Jumper on Wednesday for the Christmas Lunch. Even the Monkeys are feeling festive (thank you Mrs Lamper).
Have a great weekend everyone and stay warm.
Mr Vallier