Hello everyone.
It has been a very busy week here at Shoreham Beach Primary School.
Dolphins Class were involved in outdoor sketching.
Some of them then joined Ocean Class and produced some lovely circle art.
It was lovely to see the awe and wonder on the faces of Coral Class as they walked into their classroom and discovered that their ceiling looked a little bit different. Thank you to Mick for putting up the planets.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us for our Funky Friday Assembly. I am pleased you enjoyed it. A special mention to Nina who stepped in to operate the Powerpoint and song words.
Congratulations to Lily and Flossy on receiving Oscars. Flossy was selected for her kindness and gentle nature. She is always encouraging others and always helps children and adults on the after-school bus when they need friendly support. Lily was selected for her amazing swimming achievements. She has swimming sessions at 6am, belongs to Lancing College swimming club and just begore Christmas entered a gala against older children. Because of her 50 metre backstroke time, Lily is ranked 4th in the UK for 8 year olds. Wow! Well done both of you.
Congratulations also to Wilf who was presented with a Gold Award.
Golden Ticketers this week were: Bonnie and Payton (Minnows), Arthur and Izzy (Seahorse), Bodhi and Juliette (Starfish), Logan and Shay (Dolphins), Katie and Rosie (Lighthouse), Harri and Eva (Coral) and Ronnie and Athena (Ocean).
The class with the best attendance was Dolphins Class with 96.2%.
Talking of attendance…….I am very proud to announce that this week we received a National School Attendance Award for being in the top 25% of all FFT Primary Schools in England with our Autumn attendance. Well done children, parents and staff.
And finally, a huge thank you to Mrs Shukla, Miss Phillips, Mrs Ayres, Mrs Thomas and Danielle. These super members of staff took 55 children to the O2 yesterday to be involved in the Young Voices concert. I have heard that the children (and adults) had a fabulous time. Thank you to you all. I trust you are still in bed!
Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier