Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. Anything can happen in a Funky Friday Assembly, and this week we had giggles, tears and a broken guitar string!
Congratulations to Ella and Alice on receiving Oscars. Both recipients were nominated by pupils. Ella was nominated by Isla and Ocean Class for her bravery and positive attitude. Isla said that despite what Ella went through with her operation – she kept smiling and never complained. Alice was nominated by Hazel who is her Year 6 buddy. Hazel said ‘I am so incredibly lucky to have a Minnow like Alice to play with and sit with in assembly. She is so kind.’ It was a double whammy for Alice who also received a Golden Ticket.
Congratulations also to Louis and Hugo on being presented with Gold Awards. A double whammy for Hugo who also received a Golden Ticket.
Golden Ticketers this week were: Alice and Ava (Minnows), Izzy and Flossy (Seashells), Hettie and Rosa (Starfish), Lyla and Mia (Dolphins), Hugo and Yvie (Lighthouse), Evie, Scirocco and Emily (Coral) and Albert (Ocean). Well done to you all.
Seashells Class had the best attendance with 95.9%
Author Helen Rutter visited us yesterday and gave a presentation to Key Stage 2 on her new book ‘The Boy Who Made Everyone Laugh’.
We are pleased to offer the following clubs after half term: Fitness, Rounders, Netball, Drama, KS1 Games Club, KS2 Games Club, Yoga, Dance, Lego, Knitting, Art and Football. Thank you to the staff for offering the clubs. More clubs will be added after Easter.
Several displays caught my eye this week.
Learning Journey Overviews for Spring 2 have now been sent to you via the VLE. They can also be found on our website: https://shorehambeachprimary.com/curriculum-newsletters/
And finally, a small group of Year 6 pupils were seen singing in Brighton. I’m not sure how much money they raised from their busking, but it looked like they had a good time. Click on the link below:
Have a lovely half term break everyone. See you all on Monday 20th February.
Mr Vallier