Weekend Blog - Another Author, A Strange Guest and a Sea Explorer | Shoreham Beach Primary School
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Weekend Blog – Another Author, A Strange Guest and a Sea Explorer

Hello everyone. I hope you are well.

What a busy first week back.

Every day saw a club taking place. Here are a selection of photos from a few of the clubs.

On Wednesday our Netball Team participated in a a rather wet and soggy tournament at Shoreham Academy. They played very well with one parent saying “We thought the team was outstanding today! Great tactics, great camaraderie, great team spirit……so obviously, great coaching!” We also had two children from another school approach Mrs Thomas and asked if she was the teacher from Shoreham Beach School. They then said “Your children are really kind. We played against them and they were really nice. We just wanted to tell you.” How lovely is that. Thank you to Mrs Thomas, Mrs Shukla and Ms De Faveri for ensuring the children had a good time.

We also had author Vashti Hardy visit us and talk to Year 2 and 3 about her new book ‘Harley Hitch and the Fossil Mystery’.

Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday.

Congratulations to Indie on being presented with an Oscar for being so modest and humble about her achievements out on the water. During Winter, she went through 60 mph storms, frozen water supplies and a bottled gas shortage. She didn’t complain once. She sailed a ten-day passage along the south coast and around the Isle of Wight in the holidays always helping her little brother in rough seas. She is training to be a lines person as part of the preparation for her first channel crossing in the coming year. Indie, you are amazing.

Congratulations also to Joseph on receiving his first Gold Award. He was so proud.

Golden Ticketers this week were: Freya and Charly (Minnows), Effie and Ella (Seashells), Daisy and Elara (Starfish), Ollie and Riley (Dolphins), Hetty and Louis (Lighthouse), Rosie and Ethan (Coral) and Jack and Morgan (Ocean).

Coral Class were this week’s attendance winners with 98.1%

A rather unusual guest visited the school. Luckily the children were quick to point out to a member of staff that the visitor shouldn’t be on their own as they were wearing a red visitor lanyard.

And finally, on Monday we say goodbye to Danielle Duggan. Danielle is one of our Mid-Day Meal Supervisors and also a parent. We wish her all the best for the future.

Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.

Mr Vallier

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