Hello everyone. I hope you are well and have kept clear of the bugs and germs that are hanging around at the moment.
I had a lovely comment from a child this week who said that his family sit and read the blog together. It helped his mum and dad feel involved. He said it was like a weekly newsletter. That is exactly what it is and I so hope it is shared with as many family members as possible.
It is that time of year when birds start checking out potential nest boxes. If you have nest boxes in your garden – keep an eye out for any interested parties. The birds will look at which direction it is facing, how close the box is to food, any potential predators and how far off the ground it is. Wouldn’t it be lovely if they chose the nest box in your garden?
The fertilised chick eggs have arrived! Thank you to Middle Farm who delivered the eggs and also spoke to the children about the hatching process. Not a lot is happening at the moment but we will keep you informed. Mrs Thomas has the pleasure of having them in her home over the weekend. How egg-citing!
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday assembly yesterday. I was particularly impressed by the arm waving during the ‘Happy Together’ song. I apologise for the suit jacket!
Congratulations to Louis on receiving an Oscar. He was nominated for showing amazing determination, resilience and overcoming fears at the recent Year 4 Activity Day. Louis demonstrated what can be achieved with courage and determination. Well done Louis.
Well done also to Hazel and Lena on receiving Gold Awards.
The class with the best attendance this week is Starfish Class with 96.7%. Polly chose Lilly for the class to have for the week. Let’s see what she gets up to.
Golden Ticketers this week were: Rufus and Joshy (Minnows), Evie and Layla (Seashells), Bear and Delilah (Starfish), Sonny and Hannah (Dolphins), Eryn and Jesse (Lighthouse), Bronte and Sammy (Coral) and Clara and Joey (Ocean).
This week saw Year 6 produce some stunning reversible poems on some very sensitive themes. Read each poem from top to bottom and then from bottom to top.
The Amazing Seashells achieved their challenge last week and completed their 5km bike ride to raise money for Living Coral Bio Bank in Australia. Well done to George, Millie, Ivy, Flossy, Arthur, Lydia, Naomi, Bella, Izzy, Alice and Didi, their wonderful brothers and sisters (Rosie, Olly, Jasmine, Greta & Josh), friends (Harvey, Isla & Evie) and parents!! They all did an amazing job and raised a staggering £600. Amazing job Seashells. We are so proud of you all!
At the recent Worthing Arts and Music Festival, Cassidy achieved 2nd place in her solo section for character dancing. Her sister Bonnie performed a ballet solo & a modern dance solo, but also a duet a trio dance. Her duet dance partner got injured a week prior to the festival, so was unable to take part, however Darcey Thomas stepped in last minute, learnt the dance in a week and partnered Bonnie. They performed really well. Darcey also did well getting a 2nd place for her contemporary dance solo, and Margarita (Year 6) & Darcey got 4th place for their modern duet.
Shoreham Beach girls all did well in their group dance on the Sunday and came 3rd in their section – the girls that attend group troupe from Shoreham Beach are: Katie Pitcher (Y4), Rosie Dellow (Y4), Darcey Thomas (Y5), Emily Badley (Y5), Margarita (Y6), Lola (Y3), Poppy Kenward (Y3) and Bonnie & Cassidy. The girls also all took part in Eastbourne Performing Arts festival the week before Worthing festival, with many successes there too!
Red Nose Day was enjoyed by all and even the monkeys and Dinosaur joined in (thanks to Mrs Lamper and the bus crew). More photos to follow along with the total amount raised for Comic Relief.
We welcome back Connie Mace from iStar Academy. Connie is working with each Key Stage 2 class and putting together dances linked to their learning journeys. Watch this space for photos and videos. Here’s a little taster of Year 3 warming up:
Our Sports Leaders have been helping out the younger children at lunchtimes. It’s always lovely to see our older pupils working with our younger ones.
And finally, thank you to the PTFA for making hot chocolate available at the end of yesterday. Don’t forget to sign up for the Easter Egg Hunt
Coming up……..
Parent Consultation Evenings and a chance for you to have a look at your child’s work.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier