Hello everyone. I hope you well.
The summer term has started incredibly positively and the children have settled back into their learning with enthusiasm.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. I’m pleased you enjoyed it.
Congratulations to Hubert and Bonnie on receiving Oscars. It is a double whammy for Hubert this week as he also received a Golden Ticket. Hubert received his Oscar for coming into school every day eager to learn. He even received a certificate from the sports leaders for his amazing hard work and effort in the bean bag challenge. Bonnie got her Oscar for showing incredible kindness and care when her friend Margarita forgot her routine during a recent dance competition. Bonnie even asked to stay at the side of the stage to make sure Margarita was okay when she went back on to start her dance again. Well done all of you.
Well done also to Margarita, Axel and Elyse on receiving Gold Awards for five mentions in the Log Book.
The class with the best attendance this week is Ocean Class with a staggering attendance figure of 99.7%
Golden Ticketers this week: Poppy and Hubert (Minnows), Millie and Didi (Seashells), Hugo and Macey (Starfish), Millie and Felix (Dolphins), Cassius, Danny and Aria (Lighthouse), Nova and Finley (Coral) and Albert and Cody (Ocean).
Well done to Miles in Minnows Class on his litter picking success. He collected two bags of rubbish walking between the school and Ferry Road whilst discussing how rubbish is bad for the environment and what people should do to look after the environment including recycling.
Learning highlights this week have included the whole school African Drumming workshops with Daniel Gilmore. The children absolutely loved it! Daniel represents Sussex Music Workshops and said the following in an email: “Thank you for booking me. I must be honest and say I had an amazing day at your school. All the classes did so well and were a delight to teach.”
The children in Minnows, Seashells and Starfish thoroughly enjoyed their dance session with Connie from iStar Academy.
Art Club made Anglo-Saxon brooches.
Knitting Club (or ‘Quirky Club’ as it is also known) received plenty of praise for their post box knitting. A special mention to Mrs Loftus, Mrs Lamper, Beryll Pettitt and Sue Hinds. Philippa Bennett gets a special mention for the crochet base.
And if you ever need CPR…..you know who to call upon.
Colin Clay the Station Manager for NCI Shoreham has invited every child to enter an Art Competition. Colin is part of the team who look after the safety of all people in and on the sea, as well as people on the beach. He is inviting pupils to design a picture to celebrate 15 years based at the lookout (at the harbour mouth near the Fort). The picture must include the lookout and can be A4 or A5. All pictures must be completed and submitted to the school office by Wednesday 30th May. On the 3rd June they will be displayed at the lookout and judged. It will be an Open House at the lookout (10am – 4pm), with the Gazebo up and some watch-keepers around to answer any questions. There will also be a raffle taking place with various prizes donated by local businesses.
A big thank you to our Premises Manager Mick who not only built a water wallboard and a lost property seat box, but also polished the hall floor and cut the grass at the front of the school. Thanks Mick.
Red Nose Day donations raised £220 for Comic relief. Thank you.
And finally…….good luck to Tania Pascoe (Eryn and Felicity’s mum) who is participating in the London Marathon tomorrow. She is raising money for the Royal Marsden Cancer Charity. Do check out her link page below. We wish you all the best Tania.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier