Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
With Frankie Goes to Hollywood reforming to perform at the recent Eurovision concert in Liverpool – there has to be a Frankie theme throughout this blog.
Ed says relax….
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. There were lots of smiles and the power of love was certainly evident. The children particularly enjoyed singing ‘Stand By Me’ and ‘The Lion Sleeps Tonight’.
A massive thank you also to all our wonderful volunteers. It is so lovely to see the impact you are having on our young readers. We love having you in school. Thank you.
Congratulations to Hannah, Beatrix and Lily on receiving Oscars this week. Hannah is so resilient. She has worked incredibly hard this year and has the most amazing smile. Beatrix was nominated for her contribution to knitting club. She is so patient and dedicated. It was a double whammy for Beatrix as she also received a Gold Award. Lily is just amazing! She has such a positive attitude to learning, a wonderful sense of humour and is so kind to others. I hope the bump on your forehead disappears soon Lily! That’s what happens when you rage hard.
Well done to Millie, Jared, Indie, Evie, Betty and Beatrix on receiving Gold Awards for five mentions in the Log Book. They are like warriors of the wasteland. A double whammy for Betty.
The class with the best attendance this week is Starfish Class with an attendance figure of 99%. Herbie came up to choose one of the monkeys. He chose Jasmine.
Golden Ticketers this week: Betty and Benjamin (Minnows), Bella and Layla (Seashells), Ella and Daniel (Starfish), Ollie (Dolphins), Hetty and Grace (Lighthouse), Stan and Evie (Coral), Ethan and Phoebe (Ocean). They are certainly born to run.
Learning highlights this week have included Minnows Class visiting the beach.
Children on the bus enjoyed a magic show presented by Athena and Gretal. Mrs Bennett particularly enjoyed it and decided to relax.
On Wednesday, the Governors spent a morning watching Reciprocal Reading in different classes. We are so proud of how the children predict, clarify, question and summarise any text that they are faced with.
Sun safety is so important as we move through the summer term. Please make sure you keep yourself safe.
Once again, we are looking to improve how the school looks and feels. You will notice that Mick has been hard at work watching the wildlife whilst painting the front of the school and making sure the grass is cut to promote our wild areas. We also have a toilet suite being built over the summer holiday for Year 4, 5 and 6 pupils (see picture below). This will include relocating the changing room to the little library area and relocating the library to the corridor until we get enough money to put a roof on our courtyard area as part of the main library project. Watch out for the cycle shelter that will be appearing soon at the front of the school.
Finally, we are into the business end of the football season and over the next couple of weeks we will find out which team will win the Premiership, which teams will be relegated and which teams will be in Europe next season. Each game is like two tribes going to war.
How many Frankie Goes To Hollywood songs did you spot in this blog?
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier