Hello everyone. I hope you well.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. What an uplifting way to finish Summer 1.
Congratulations to Scarlett on receiving an Oscar this week. Scarlett is a delightful pupil. Conscientious, hardworking, polite, kind and a role model for every pupil in the school. She has a lovely sense of humour and has such a caring nature. It was a triple whammy for Scarlett this week, as she also received a Golden Ticket and was part of the Year 5/6 Rounders team. Well done Scarlett.
Well done also to Jasmine, Cassidy, Eryn, Rosie, Isla and Evie on receiving Gold Awards for five mentions in the Log Book. It was a double whammy for Jasmine.
The classes with the best attendance this week were Seashells Class and Dolphin Class with an attendance figure of 96.8%.
Golden Ticketers this week: Arun and Alice (Minnows), Alfie and Flossy (Seashells), Daisy and Alana-Mai (Starfish), Alex and Nala (Dolphins), Mayowa and Archie (Lighthouse), Jazmin and Jake (Coral), Athena and Scarlett (Ocean).
Learning highlights have included: Year 3 enjoying the company of Mabel the cat whilst at off-site PE.
Minnows, Seashells and Starfish classes being involved in a live-stream draw-along with Axel Scheffler. They certainly enjoyed learning how to draw a Gruffalo.
Year 1 enjoyed their dance session with Connie from iSTAR Academy.
Well done to Bow in Year 5 who attended the surfers against sewage protest last Saturday and made front page news!
Year 5 and 6 children entered a rounders festival at Shoreham Academy and came runners-up. Well done team.
A reminder that on 3rd June there will be an Open House at the Lookout by The Fort. The Gazebo up and some watchkeepers around to give tours and and answer any questions. The Open Day commences at 10am and finishes at 4pm. There will also be a raffle taking place with various prizes donated by local businesses.
I was faced with two lateral thinking puzzles this week. See if you can answer them correctly:
You are driving a bus. The bus is empty when you begin your route. At the first stop, 4 people get on. At the second stop, 8 people get on and 2 get off. At the third stop, 3 people get off and 4 get on. What color are the bus driver’s eyes?
If you were alone in a dark room, with only one match and an oil lamp, a fireplace, and a candle to choose from, which would you light first?
And finally…..a huge thank you to Mick our Premises Manager who is currently dismantling the bookshelves in the library to enable the space to be a changing room. Helped by a wonderful team of Year 6 pupils, the library is being relocated to the corridor until we obtain funding to put a roof on the courtyard area. I’m sure I heard Peter Gabriel’s song ‘Sledgehammer’ being sung by Mick as the shelves were being moved and things were being thrown in the skip.
Have a lovely half term break everyone. See you all on Monday 5th June.
Mr Vallier