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Weekend Blog 18.11.23 – Greta and a Great Week

Hello everyone.

I hope you are well.

This week was national anti-bullying week resulting in the children talking about what the difference is between unkind behaviour and bullying. The children offered some very sensible thoughts and shared what they would do if they saw any unkind behaviour or bullying. Some children even made videos. This was the animation that was used by the whole school:

Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who joined us for our Funky Friday Assembly. Anything can happen in a Funky Friday Assembly!

Congratulations to Greta in Minnows Class who was presented with an Oscar. The Minnows team wrote this about her: “Greta is the most caring, thoughtful little girl. She loves to help and care for others. Not only is she the sweetest, kindest Minnow, she is also the most enthusiastic singer and dancer!! She loves to perform and enjoys making others laugh and smile. She has the most wonderful energy and lights up every room that she walks in too. We think she is truly amazing.” It was a double whammy for Greta as she also received a Golden Ticket.

Golden Ticketers this week were: Greta and Maisie (Minnows), Errol and Raphael (Seashells), Effie and Alice (Starfish), Juliette and Rex (Dolphins), Iris and Lola (Lighthouse), Katie and Reuben (Coral) and Evie and Sammy (Ocean)

Attendance Matters

The class with the best attendance this week was Coral Class with an attendance figure of 98.3%.  They chose to have Tiny for the week.

Year 6 Monochromatic Artwork


Congratulations to Stanley (Year 3) who recently joined a local Kickboxing club and has already completed 2 gradings and is now an orange belt. Last weekend he took part in his first competition. Stanley first competed in the individual category against children his own size. He got through to the final and won his first trophy. Stanley was then signed up to do a team competition. You still only compete against children your own size, however, there were not enough children of Stanley’s size to complete the teams, so Stanley was asked to compete against children from higher categories so that the competition could go ahead. Stanley fought against boys bigger than him and on higher belt grades. Stanley showed great courage and determination…..even when he got quite a kick to the stomach. Well done Stanley.

Year 3/4 Gymnastic

On Wednesday, our Year 3/4 Gymnastics Team entered a competition at Shoreham Academy. The Novice Team came 4th and the Advanced Team came 2nd. Apparently, the Advanced Team had to change their routine and learn a new one just two hours before the competition. Thank you to Mrs Thomas and Mrs Crowhurst. The photograph certainly made me smile!

Here is a video of the advanced team’s performance:

Year 3 Catapults

Here are some photos of Year 3 making and testing their catapults. They learnt about different catapults used by the Romans, designed their own and made them using lolly sticks and elastic bands.

Rotary Club

On Thursday we were visited by Tony Wagstaff and an Elf (Councillor Julia Watts) from the Shoreham and Southwick Rotary Club. Tony is the President of the Rotary Club and they have kindly donated £100 to go towards Christmas lunches for the children.

PTFA Christmas Hampers

The hampers have been created and are looking very tasty indeed. Details regarding how you can get your hands on one will be shared soon.

Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mr Vallier

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