Hello everyone.
Wind, rain, snow and sunshine all in one week. I thought I would start the blog with a beautiful photograph of the sky above the school on Tuesday.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our FUNky Friday Assembly yesterday. It really was a fun one.
Congratulations to Howl and Miles on receiving Oscars this week. Mrs Barnes says that “Howl is always inquisitive. He loves learning and is one of the kindest, hard-working and most thoughtful members of the class”. It was a double whammy for Howl who also received a Golden Ticket. Well done Howl.
Miles gets an Oscar for carol singing the week before Christmas to raise funds for his nan’s church (she’s the Vicar of Wilmington Church). He tried singing along to all of the carols even though he didn’t know them. He also enjoyed mince pies and hot chocolate made by the village locals whilst walking around in the rain singing. At the end of the carol singing, Miles was excited to sing ‘Santa Clause is Coming to Town’ which he proudly told everyone “I learned this song at school”. He helped raise £100. Well done Miles.
Congratulations also to Poppy, Ronnie and Bear on receiving Gold Awards.
Golden Tickets
Golden Ticketers this week are: Arisa-Mai and Imogen (Minnows Class), Betty and Joshy (Seashells Class), Enzo and Max (Starfish Class), Macey and Howl (Dolphins Class), Wilbur and Shay (Lighthouse Class), Cassidy and Rosie (Coral Class) and Cece and Alba (Ocean Class).
Attendance Matters
Congratulations to Ocean Class who achieved the best attendance this week with 98.0%. They chose to have Siam for the week.
Drawing Club
Drawing Club started this week with Miss Jones. They were involved in some careful observational drawing. I particularly like the use of table lamps as the light source.
Let There Be Light
Year 6 are currently exploring Light in their STEM sessions. They created their own investigations to show how light travels.
Minnows Meet Harley Bear
The children in Minnows Class enjoyed meeting our school dog Harley Bear as part of their science session this week. I think Harley enjoyed meeting them just as much. Look at his face!
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier