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Weekend Blog 11.05.24 – The Beach, Boats and Ice Cream

Hello everyone.

This week saw Olympic gymnast Steve Frew visit the school. He put the children through their paces and led an inspirational assembly.



Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. It certainly was a hot one!



Congratulations to Raphi (Year 1) and Evie (Year 2) on being presented with an Oscar.

Last Saturday Raphi sold his homemade cakes and his pre loved toys to raise money for a homeless charity. This was all his idea and donated 100% of the proceeds. He raised £170! According to his neighbours, he is also a wonderful eco warrior. Raphi will not let any piece of rubbish get away! He once spent 15 minutes chasing someone else’s crisp packet along the beach and also scratched his wrists saving a plastic bottle from a very thorny bush!

Evie is a Beaver at the 3rd Shoreham Sea Scouts and on Friday last week she went on her very first sleepover camp. It had been a really difficult week as her Dad had been admitted to hospital and her mum had been planning to stay at the sleepover camp but as her Dad wasn’t around to look after her sister she couldn’t stay.

When mum went to collect Evie the next morning, the leaders said that she had been so helpful and kind, particularly to the children who had felt homesick. Evie had even got a leader in the night to help a friend. They awarded her their mascot, Topsy the Beaver, in recognition of her bravery, kindness and helpfulness.



There were four Gold Awards this week. Congratulations to Lily, Millie, Leandro and Elara.



Golden Ticketers this week are: Sedra and Felix (Minnows), Errol and Freya (Seashells), Didi and Alice (Starfish), Orla and Heidi (Dolphins), Nala and Ollie (Lighthouse), Jesse and Cassidy (Coral), Jake and Sammy (Ocean). Well done all of you.



Dolphins Class achieved the best attendance this week with an amazing 99.5%. They chose to have Ed for a week.



Last weekend Delilah (Year 3) achieved her Level 1 Youth Sailing Qualification. She found it very difficult and didn’t want to go back for the last section. However, she did go back and the last section ended up being her favourite part. She won one of her races and she was the first person to fall in! Well done Delilah.




A huge thank you to everyone who has donated weed and pond plants to the pond. A special mention to Bodhi (Year 3) who introduced Newt Tadpoles to the pond and Millie (Year 2) who brought in some RHS wild flower seeds. Thank you also to Betty’s dad James, who has purchased a solar pump to help oxygenate the water.

Does anyone have any pond snails they would be willing to donate? Thank you in advance.



On Wednesday, Seashells Class had a trip to the beach. They loved it!



Well done to the Year 3 and 4 pupils who participated in the Quad Kids competition at Shoreham Academy. I heard that you were very encouraging towards each other and incredibly polite. Our new sports kit looks good.



Thank you to the PTFA for selling much needed ice cream and lolly refreshment after school this week. A big thank you to Archie and Rosie for helping out and also Reuben and Grace who saw how long the queue was and jumped in to take orders from anyone paying cash. They sold so many ice creams that they had to have what was left. The PTFA really appreciated their help.



This used to be a tired looking room with resources and uniform in it. Now look………



Last weekend Darcey (Year 6) took part in the Destination Dance finals in Coventry. There were over 150 junior dances. Not only did Darcey win her category, she also received the second highest junior solo score and was one of three solos selected to dance again at the international showdown. What an amazing achievement!



“Hello everyone. It’s always lovely to meet new children and this week I met Vesper. Vesper is Theo and Aurelia’s sister and this week she joined Seashells Class. I also had fun with Raia, Ollie and Aurelia. You’re an artist Grandma – you would have loved their artwork.”


On this day in 1981, Bob Marley passed away. Here’s one of his songs:


Have a lovely weekend everyone. Stay Sun Safe.


Mr Vallier

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