Hello everyone.
What a pleasant surprise Year 1 and Year 3 had on their return after the weekend. Our friend and Brighton Graffiti artist Sean Lyons created chill-out corners in their classrooms. Thank you, Sean. This means every class now has a chill-out corner for children to sit in and relax, read and recharge. It’s all part of mental health and wellbeing.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. We are looking at possibly moving Funky Friday assembly to a morning. Parents have said it would be easier to watch the assembly and then go to work, rather than having to leave work earlier. It will also be cooler in the hall in the morning. Several children have felt quite unwell as a result of the heat in the hall. Watch this space.
Congratulations to Poppy (Year 1) on being presented with an Oscar.
According to Miss D’Ademo, each day Poppy comes in with the biggest smile on her face and truly lights up the room. She amazes us every day. She has come on so far since the start of the year. She is working incredibly hard with all of her learning. She is flying with her phonics and reading, and is an absolute pleasure to teach.
A photo of Poppy with the Oscar has been PINGed home.
There were seven Gold Awards presented this week. Congratulations to Rex, Rocco, Macey, Polly, Daniel, Juke and Bodhi.
Golden Ticketers this week are: Raphael (Minnows), Joshy and Natasha (Seashells), Lydia and Layla (Starfish), Amelie and Remy (Dolphins), Mia-Rose and Poppy (Lighthouse), Hugo and Erin (Coral), Evie and Poppy (Ocean). Well done all of you.
Starfish Class achieved the best attendance this week with 97.6%. They chose to have Jazmine for the week.
Minnows Class have enjoyed making fat balls for the birds in their outside garden. They also enjoyed making chips out of the potatoes they had grown.
Coral Class have been experimenting with typography in art and made some 3D maps after being inspired by artists such as Grayson Perry and Chris Kenny.
They also performed five Ukulele songs with six different chords to Starfish Class.
The PTFA are ‘raisin’ funds for school and hope you will all get involved. They thought it was a ‘grape’ idea to get all the children a healthy snack and ask them to complete some challenges or jobs for family & friends in return for some money to fill up their raisin box. Children: After you have eaten your healthy snack, please fill it with some coins after doing jobs or challenges. A little or a lot will really help our school. Raisin boxes to be returned no later than Friday 7th June. Good luck and thank you.
Thank you to Orla (Year 3), Rufus (Year 1) and Jensen and Reuben’s nan (Reception) for pond snail donations. Thank you also to the parents who have provided more pond plants. The pond will be officially open for children to have a look at the pond life after the half term break.
Congratulations to our Year 5 & 6 netballers. They welcomed Swiss Gardens on Thursday – and thoroughly enjoyed the matches. A little secret……..the teacher who accompanied the pupils from Swiss Gardens will be joining us in September.
“Hello everyone. I’m not one to moan…….but it hasn’t been a good week for me. It’s been too hot, too busy and when Wilbur brought Chocolate Gateau up to the office, I was told to step away. Unbelievable! Looking forward to seeing you next week Grandma.”
Poppy (Year 4) has the most amazing grandad. He has made us another working wooden Automatron model and donated it to the school. This time it shows birds being fed.
Mr. Pete Winstone and Mrs. Susanna Shukla will be leaving us at the end of the summer term. Both are taking early retirement. Mr. Winstone has been teaching for over thirty years and has been at Shoreham Beach Primary since 2008 (I made a mistake in the PING and said 2011).
Mrs. Shukla has been a teacher at the school for 24 years and has taught every year group and hundreds of children. I’m sure you will join me in thanking them and wishing them all the best.
Mr James Collinson, Mr Liam Strudwick and Mr Adam Joseph will be joining us in September.
Details regarding the staffing structure for September will be shared with parents once it has been shared with staff and governors.
Have a lovely half term break everyone.
Mr Vallier