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Weekend Blog 08.06.24 – Pond Life and a Raia of Sunshine

Hello everyone.

This week Raia in Minnows Class spent 45 minutes independently creating a stunning piece of artwork. Describing the moment, she said “I just went where my hand took me”. A lovely start to Summer Term 2.



Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our first morning Funky Friday Assembly. It was certainly cooler for everyone. A special mention to our new technical wizard Mr Winstone – who saved the day with his laptop…….and soaked up the applause.



Congratulations to Alana-Mai (Year 3) on being presented with an Oscar. Alana has been helping the St Barnabas House Charity Shop by labelling their clothing price tickets. She has to tear each one off individually and write SHM on the back of each one. Alana has completed thousands of the labels.

It started when she was shopping with her Mum and noticed one of the volunteers tearing and writing the labels for us, Alana asked to help and asked to take some home to do. She was so excited that we allowed her to take a huge roll home and she brought them back a few days later asking for more rolls.

Natalie, who runs the shop, said ‘Alana is a real credit to Shoreham Beach Primary which is why I have felt the need to email you’. Well done Alana-Mai.



Congratulations to Aurelia on receiving a Gold Awards this week.



Golden Ticketers this week are: Eliza and Jenson (Minnows), Benji and Lily (Seashells), Finn and Bella (Starfish), Flynn and Howl (Dolphins), Jared and Alex (Lighthouse), Danny and Beatrix (Coral), Nova and Jazmin (Ocean). Well done all of you.



Starfish Class and Coral Class both achieved the best attendance this week with 97.3%.



Year 3 produced some art work in the wildlife garden. They were inspired by Andy Goldsworthy.


Congratulations to our Year 6 Rounders team who had a wonderful time at Shoreham Academy and came third out of eight teams. Apparently they were incredibly supportive and encouraging of each other.


Every Minnow spent time looking at our pond life this week. They saw “wriggly things”, “little worms that moved sideways”, “tadpoles with legs” and “pond snails”. Apparently there were no sharks, no whales and no dolphins!



“Hello everyone. What a week! It was lovely to see Ella’s netball medals. I was also grateful to have my own fan. It’s been pretty hot in the office. Thank you for the toy squirrel Grandma. ”



The PTFA Team have counted the money in the raisin boxes that were returned and it totalled £211.88! These decorated coins were in one of the boxes. How lovely! Thank you to the children and parents who joined in the raisin money activity.

In addition, the ice creams raised £102 profit. Well done everyone. Every penny helps.



Lego Club takes place every Wednesday lunchtime at 12:30 in Lighthouse Class. It is open to everyone.



Welcome to Rachel Noble – who has gained a permanent contract with us and will be part of the SEN support staff team.


Finally…….as the sun shines and the days get hotter……..



Have a lovely weekend everyone.

Mr Vallier

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