Hello everyone.
On Monday we had our whole school Harvest Assembly. We talked about the importance of planting seeds and how much hard work is needed to make things grow. We also sang ‘Let’s Harvest’. Thank you so much if you donated a food item. Shoreham Foodbank collected all of the food donations on Thursday and were incredibly grateful for your kindness.
More learning moments captured by Mrs Noble…..
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who joined us for our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. We were particularly impressed by your singing talent when we performed ‘Somewhere In My Heart’ by Aztec Camera. Thank you for joining in. On a different note – Minnows joined us for the first time this week. How fabulous were they?!
Congratulations to Maxine and Polly.
Maxine received an Oscar for brightening up Mr Strudwick’s day. Her kindness is endless and her hard work always brings a smile to his face. Maxine’s mathematical understanding is truly outstanding and she is a great friend and a fabulous role model. Maxine you are a superstar!
Polly was presented with an Oscar for being a model pupil. She always arrives at school with a smile on her face and can always be relied on to work to the best of her ability in all subjects. Mrs Barnes always finds Polly supporting others and she is also a talented artist. Lighthouse Class are so lucky to have Polly.
Jude and Grace (Minnows), Ruben and Greta (Seashells), Raphael and Bonnie (Starfish), Millie and Ella (Dolphins), Hugo and Daisy (Lighthouse), Felix and Logan (Coral), Grace and Louis (Ocean).
Well done to you all.
The class with the best attendance this week is Minnows Class with 98%. They chose to have Barbados for the week.
This week Year 4 have been using a variety of media to create wolf pop art.
Lunchtimes have been a bit special this week as the children have had the opportunity to watch different RSPB Live Cameras. They particularly enjoyed watching the Red Squirrels attempting to get nuts out of a Squirrel feeder. We intend continuing with different live cams every lunchtime.
On Wednesday, Year 5 were evacuated on a train to Brighton where they walked to Downs Junior School to immerse themselves in wartime history. They had a fantastic time. Thank you to Mr Strudwick for organising this unique experience and thank you to Mrs Paterson and the parent helpers.
“Hello everyone. Apparently Mr Vallier said in assembly that he is looking for new songs to sing. Here are my suggestions ‘Who Let The Dogs Out’ by Baha Men, ‘Dog Eat Dog‘ by Adam and the Ants, ‘Hound Dog‘ by Elvis Presley, ‘Diamond Dogs’ by David Bowie and ‘Black Dog‘ by Led Zeppelin. That’s a photograph of me laughing Grandma.”
Well done to our Year 5 & 6 Basketball Team who entered the Basketball Competition at Shoreham Academy. We played incredibly well – losing one game, drawing one game and winning five. We finished third overall. An amazing achievement.
On Thursday, Starfish Class visited Buckingham Park Primary School and spent the morning with Rachel from West Sussex Music Service. They all sang their hearts out and made us proud, especially when they stood up at the front to perform their Harvest song to over 100 people! We even learned some sign language too!
Year 4 thoroughly enjoyed handling artefacts from the Knepp Wilding Project as they learnt about Beavers being a keystone species and the positive impact they have on the ecosystem in Sussex.
An author visit for KS1. We have also invited local nursery and pre-schools to join us.
HELEN.D_STEVEN.LENTON_POSTERHave a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier