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Weekend Blog 01.02.25 – Truleigh Scrumptious!

Hello everyone.

It’s been another busy week at Shoreham Beach Primary with a visit from a drama company, indoor athletics and outdoor learning at Truleigh Hill.


More learning moments captured by Mrs Noble:



Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended this week’s Funky Friday Assembly. Thank you to those who chuckled at my revelation that if the men in ABBA were called Steve and Dave – the band would have been called ASDA.


Congratulations to Daniel (Year 4) and Grace (Reception) on being presented with an Oscar each.

Every morning Daniel arrives in class with a smile and says hello happily to everyone. Daniel is kind and can often be found supporting his friends in class. When the class went swimming, he found it a bit challenging, however he persevered and was so proud of himself. He is making lots of progress in class particularly with his writing. What a star he is!

Over the last 5 months, Grace has grown so much in confidence. She loves to asks question, share ideas and gives everything a go (even when things can be tricky). Grace has the most fantastic attitude towards learning. She tries her best in every session and is always looking for ways to challenge herself. Grace is a pure delight and an absolute role model to others. The adults in her class adore her! It was a double whammy for Grace – who also received a Golden Ticket.


Golden Ticketers this week are:

Emilija and Grace (Minnows), Thea and Theo (Seashells), Freya and Cass (Starfish), Didi and Lincoln (Dolphins), Alana-Mai and Bodhi (Lighthouse), Wilbur and Lily (Coral), Desmond and Cassidy (Ocean). Well done to you all.


Congratulations to Naomi, Aidan and Amelie on receiving Gold Awards for five mentions in the Log Book.


Congratulations to Starfish Class with 97.5% attendance. The Monkey Randomiser chose Clyde for them. Unfortunately, Clyde has lost his glasses. Let’s hope they can be found!


Year 2 had a fantastic time at Truleigh Hill this week.



Well done to the pupils who participated in the Year 5 and 6 Indoor Athletics at Shoreham Academy this week. It was fabulous to receive the following comments: “The school finished 6th, but if the competition was on representing your school and behaviour – they would have come first.” and “The children shone with their behaviour, sportsmanship and their 100% effort.


On Tuesday, Drama4all visited us and took the Reception and Year 1 children on an exciting under the sea adventure! The children had a great time looking for the missing pearl whilst dodging sea monsters! Here are a few pics


“Hello everyone. I received a lovely letter from Sidney this week. I spent some time listening to him and I am so pleased that I helped cheer him up. Hey Grandma – I’ve been to the groomers and I smell gorgeous.”


Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.

Mr Vallier

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