Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
A child this week told me how much they were enjoying playing board games at home with their family. They said that their favourite game was Scrabble. A game that always comes in the top ten most popular board games. It then got me thinking what the value would be of certain words if you used the face value of the Scrabble tiles. I was in school mode after a very positive Teams meeting with our Local Authority Adviser and Jacqui and Alan (Co-Chairs of Governors). This is what I discovered:
LEARN = 5 points REASON = 6 points TEACH = 10 points SCHOOL = 11 points QUESTION = 17 points COMMUNICATE = 19 points
Here are the face values of all the Scrabble tiles?
- (1 point)-A, E, I, O, U, L, N, S, T, R.
- (2 points)-D, G.
- (3 points)-B, C, M, P.
- (4 points)-F, H, V, W, Y.
- (5 points)-K.
- (8 points)- J, X.
- (10 points)-Q, Z.
- (0 points)- Blank Tiles
What words can you come up with? Which person in your family has the greatest value with their name? Which football team has the greatest value? Which teacher?
Congratulations to Faith and her mum on receiving Oscars this week.
Have a great weekend everyone and please stay safe.
Mr Vallier