With 16 countries remaining in the Euros tournament and Wimbledon starting next week – it really is an exciting time.
These are the remaining countries and the class that is linked to that country: Croatia (Reception), Germany (Reception), Austria (Year 1), Ukraine (Year 1), Belgium (Year 1), England (Year 2), Wales (Year 2), Denmark (Year 2), Spain (Year 3), Netherlands (Year 4), Switzerland (Year 4), France (Year 5), Portugal (Year 6), Czech Republic (Year 6), Sweden (Staff), Italy (Staff),
In addition, our very own Fred Jeffery (Year 6) has completed, over the past 30 days, a challenge to run and cycle 124 miles to raise money and awareness for those struggling with Developmental Language Disorder.
He completed his challenge on Thursday night and has raised almost £400 for the RADLD charity. For each milestone he passed, the Eden Reforestation project has planted a tree, so 5 trees have also been planted as a result of Fred’s efforts. You are a superstar Fred!
Albert, inspired by his older brother, is also working on his own personal challenge- to cycle the equivalent of a climb to Mount Fuji, over 40 miles, in under a month. He’s almost there. I’m sure we will have a photo of Albert very soon.
I am going to finish by sharing an email that arrived yesterday regarding the Year 1 trip to Shoreham Airport: