Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. It was certainly a hot one!
Congratulations to Florence and our Year 6 pupils on receiving an Oscar this week. Flo is a superstar! She is kind, caring, helpful and tries her very best in everything she does. She is so modest about her abilities. We are very proud of you Flo. Our Year 6 completed a very difficult set of SATs papers this week. They focused incredibly hard and gave 100%. Ocean Class…..you are all fabulous.
Well done to Orla on receiving a Gold Award for five mentions in the Log Book. It was lovely to see so many family members attend the assembly.
There were two classes who had the best attendance this week. Coral Class and Ocean Class both achieved an attendance figure of 100%.
Golden Ticketers this week: Jeta and Maxi (Minnows), Finn and Ivy (Seashells), Stanley and Amelie (Starfish), Jared and Wilbur (Dolphins), Eryn, Demi and Ronnie (Lighthouse), Seren and Eadie (Coral), Riley and Thomas (Ocean).
Well done to our Year 3 & 4 Rounders team. They entered a tournament at Shoreham Academy and came third. Well done everyone. Thank you to Mrs Shukla and Miss D’Ademo for ensuring the children had a great time.
Learning highlights this week have included Minnows having a huge amount of fun with snails and water. Please can I assure you that no snails were hurt during the activity.
Lighthouse Class built their own Berlin Wall linked to their learning journey and class text.
And as mentioned above, Ocean Class were involved in the KS2 SATs. A huge thank you to all the staff who helped out with the breakfast each day and ensured the children felt comfortable during the tests. A special mention to Mr Strugnall. Mike, you make the best scrambled egg on toast!
If your child is due to start with us in September, don’t forget to hand your acceptance forms into the school office by Tuesday.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier