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Weekend Blog 04.11.23 – Pencil Fencing and a Lion Fish

Hello everyone.

As always, the half term break was used to further improve the school environment. The children were very excited to see the new pencil fencing at the front of the school and in the Minnows outside area. Thank you to Sector Fencing. The children also loved seeing the new underwater artwork in the bottom corridor, the tunnel and Year 6 classroom . They particularly like the Lion Fish. Thank you to Brighton artist Sean Lyons.

A big thank you to our Premises Manager Mick for working hard over the half term break to make sure the hall floor looked sparklingly clean and the gates by the bus were fit for purpose. He also installed a new toilet for our female staff and oversaw the building works. Thank you, Mick.

Thank you also to the many parents and grandparents who joined us for our Funky Friday Assembly. A special mention to Jake, Stan and Logan for ‘rocking it’ as part of the band.

No Gold Award winners yet, but Cassidy and a class mate were presented with an Oscar. Both girls were nominated by Mrs Lamper for showing such a mature and caring attitude when they stopped Mrs Lamper’s foster daughter from running into a busy road. Katherine still remembers that day and talks about how they saved her life! Well done girls.

Golden Ticketers this week were: Polly and Raia (Minnows), Emmy and Payton (Seashells), Ella and Naomi (Starfish), Bear and Herbie (Dolphins), Jenny and Mia (Lighthouse), Mayowa and Emily (Coral) and Jake and Rosie (Ocean)

Attendance Matters

The class with the best attendance this week was Starfish Class with an attendance figure of 97.6%.  They have chosen to have Jasmine for the week. All the monkeys were in Halloween costumes for Funky Friday Assembly.

Gymnastics CPD

Years 1-5 were involved in Gymnastic sessions this week led by Mr Benn from Shoreham Academy. It was not only a workshop for pupils but also a CPD opportunity for staff. He said this in a follow-up email “Thank you for having me – I really enjoyed the day and your students were a credit to your wonderful school!” Thank you, Mr Benn. Apparently, he is coming back to offer some tag rugby coaching very soon.

Shoreham Foodbank

This week we received a lovely card from Shoreham Foodbank thanking us for the generosity that was shown with the incredible amount of food that was donated. They said that we donated a massive 177.9kg of food and toiletries. Well done everyone.

Book Fair

The book fair arrives at the end of this week. Here are the sessions for children and parents to purchase a book:

Monday 6th November 8:30am – 8:45am

Tuesday 7th November 8:30am – 8:45 am

Wednesday 8th November 8:30am – 8:45 am and 3:15pm – 3:30pm

Thursday 9th November 8:30am – 8:45am

Christmas Hampers

The PTFA will be creating Christmas hampers again this year to raffle for the school and Friday November 10th is a Dress Down Day in return for a small item in your class colour for the hampers.If you bring something edible, please make sure it has plenty of time left on the use by date, as these will be drawn in December. Anything containing alcohol must be delivered to the office rather than the classroom.The PTFA will send out details of how to enter the raffle very soon. Here are the colours by class.Minnows – RedSeashells – GreenStarfish – BlueDolphins – SilverLighthouse – GoldCoral – PurpleOcean – Orange

On Tuesday and Wednesday morning next week, the school will be open for prospective parents to come and visit. Our wonderful Year 6 pupils will be leading the tours. Please tell anyone who is looking for their child to start school in September 2024.

Have a lovely weekend everyone. Stay warm and dry.

Mr Vallier

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