Pond Plants, Lilies, Pond Weed and Rocks

WE NEED YOUR HELP! The following items are required to get our pond started: Large smooth pond stones Pond slate Pond rocks Oxygenating pond weed Pond plants Pond lilies Driftwood Marginal pond plants Wild flowers to attract insects and butterflies Tadpoles If there are any parents, grandparents or members of...

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Weekend Blog 20.04.24 – If You Build It……

Hello everyone. It’s great to have the children back in school after the Easter break. They have started the summer term positively and are already producing work of a very high standard. Funky Friday Assembly Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. Oscars Congratulations...

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Weekend Blog 23.03.24 – Four!

Hello everyone. Four is the only number that can be spelt with the same number of letters as its value, there were four Beatles, there are four seasons, four cardinal points on a compass, four suits in a standard deck of cards and as a child, our garden backed onto...

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Poetry Corner

Hello everyone. As promised, following on from our World Book Day blog yesterday – here are some poems. Five written by Year 3 and five recorded by the staff. Can you work out which members of staff are reading the poems? Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.

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Weekend Blog 09.03.24 – World Book Day Fun

Hello everyone. Oh, the excitement of World Book Day! The children looked great in their costumes, the staff enjoyed sharing their favourite book character and we even had to search for Mrs Hampton dressed as Wally during a whole school assembly. Madness! Here are a few photographs: Reading in Unusual...

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Weekend Blog 21.02.24 – Boomwhacker Time

Hello everyone. I hope you are well and had a good half term break. We have only been back a week but the children have launched themselves into their learning journeys. I hope they are sharing some of the exciting learning opportunities that are happening. All of our Learning Journey...

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