Our School Dog
Harley Bear – our school dog
Harley Bear is a wellbeing dog and supports pupils in school. Over the last two years he has become a very important member of our school community. Harley is loved by adults and children alike. He can be found in the leadership office and occasionally visits classrooms. He loves children.
In the Autumn term Harley will meet the new Reception children and get to know their new smells. The children will see him around, especially when he is taken for his daily walks.
Cavapoo Dogs
Harley is a Cavapoo, renowned for their love of people. Cavapoo Dogs are a mixed breed of Cavalier Kings Charles and Poodle. They are affectionate and friendly with a non-moulting coat which is especially suitable for asthma sufferers. Their playful personality has made them one of the most popular mixed breeds. Coupled with a forgiving disposition, they make the perfect child-friendly dog.
Evidence shows a multitude of benefits which come from having a dog in school, and this fantastic opportunity is something we are proud to be able to offer to our pupils. Not only is a dog a useful intervention for pupils who may struggle with social skills, but there is significant evidence to show that children with emotional, learning or behavioural difficulties can benefit enormously from the presence and interaction of companion animals.
Having a dog in school allows pupils to interact with an animal in a therapeutic and controlled environment, in which Harley will have trained adult supervision at all times. A careful risk assessment and the necessary insurances are in place and Harley will not be in school if he is unwell in any way.
We are very lucky to have Harley as part of our school family, and he is very well liked by staff and children. However, we are aware not all children like dogs and if you should not wish your child to interact with Harley, please let the School Office know.