Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
The mornings may be staying darker a little longer and the evenings may be getting darker earlier, but when the children of Shoreham Beach Primary School sing – it lights up a room.
Thank you to all the parents who joined us for our first ‘live’ Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. I hope you enjoyed it and especially the children’s voices when they sang ‘Somewhere In My Heart’. The children had smiles on their faces throughout the song and some even closed their eyes. The power of live music.
Congratulations to Heidi Martin on receiving her Gold Award from the summer term and to Jasmine Mason on being presented an Oscar.
As you know, we are trying to create a quiet space for the children to read, chat and work. we have added some cushions but we need more. If anyone is willing to donate new or good quality cushions or beanbags that would fit into our sea-themed tunnel – we would greatly appreciate it. Thank you.
Finally, a little something for you to enjoy. The band is called The Dunwells. The video has brothers Joey and Dave performing their song ‘Light Up The Sky’. They are two of the nicest people in the music business. If you check them out, there is also a great version of this song from a few years ago with them singing it in their Auntie’s house.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier