Hello everyone. I hope you are well.
In less than an hour Manchester City will play Chelsea. Two giant football teams. It should be a very interesting game. Talk Sport are calling it ‘The Battle Of the Blues’.
It did get me thinking about how many times we use the word blue in different contexts……….as a colour, when we are cold, when listening to the genre of music known as the Blues and often when we are feeling sad.
I have a challenge for you. This weekend take the time to ask someone how they are. How they REALLY are. A neighbour or someone you haven’t seen for a while. And spend a moment talking and listening to them. As Bob Hoskins said in a famous 1994 British Telecom ad campaign “It’s Good To Talk.” That famous tagline couldn’t be more important than it is at the moment.
Thank you to Ella Clarke, Summer Clarke, Dollie Feniuk and Heidi Martin who raised £55 from singing Christmas Carols. Thank you so much girls. Apparently you sang beautifully.
Congratulations to Indy on receiving an Oscar in yesterday’s Funky Friday Assembly.
There are many songs that contain the word ‘Blue’. I’ve chosen this one today:
Have a great weekend everyone. Enjoy the football.
Mr Vallier