Morning everyone.
I hope you are well.
This week we have thoroughly enjoyed watching chicks hatch in Minnows class. I hope you have watched the video on the website.
Starfish Class planted a Magnolia Yellow Bird tree as part of their learning journey. They wanted to celebrate Wangari Maathai’s achievements in Africa and combine it with the Queen’s Green Canopy project.
Dolphins Class had a very busy week. Some of them attended a Tri-Golf event at Shoreham Academy. I received some very positive comments about the children supporting each other and being very polite and well behaved.
The whole class then went to Butser Farm as part of their learning journey and enjoyed the experience immensely.
Well done to Emiliano, Leo, Noah, Alex and Ollie who represented Shoreham Rugby Club Under 11s at the Sussex Festival last weekend at East Grinstead RFC. They showed great respect and support of the teams, and played with a great amount of teamwork and sportsmanship. They won against Hastings, Lewes, Horsham, and Crawley.
Thank you to all those who attended our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. It would appear the children are very excited about their whole school treat ‘Jaws n Claws’. The treat will take place on 4th May.
Congratulations to Jenny, Oliver and Lilah on receiving Gold Awards.
Congratulations also to Remy and Bow on being presented with an Oscar.
Finally, on Sunday 3rd April, Noah and Hamish will be taking part in a Sponsored Charity Boat Pull for Ukraine Crisis with the 3rd Shoreham Sea Scouts.
They will be meeting at their HQ at 9.30, walking through Shoreham High Street up to Southwick locks carrying a boat boom, they will then start pulling the boat along the sea front past Hove Lagoon and up to Brighton Palace Pier.
They will be carrying sponsor buckets so please feel free to donate any loose change or notes if you wish to. All money raised the Government will match/double it going through the Disasters Emergency Committee. You can cheer them on at Carats Cafe at around 10.15/10.30.
Thank you for the many emails and comments regarding the ‘Our Bus’ video. It is greatly appreciated.
Have a great weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier