Hello everyone.
I hope you are well.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. I appreciate the comments about the positive atmosphere. It means a great deal.
Congratulations to our Golden Ticketers: Arthur and Flossy (Seashells Class), Frances and Juliette (Starfish Class), Iris and Lilah-Belle (Dolphins Class), Rosie D and Desmond (Lighthouse Class), Rosie M and Ethan (Coral Class) and Thomas and Poppy (Ocean Class).
The class with the best attendance this week was Starfish Class with 98.8%. They just pipped Seashells class who achieved 98.1%
Congratulations to Rosa (Starfish Class) who was presented with an Oscar for being kind, caring, smiley and always trying her best. Her confidence already this year has grown and grown.
Rosa also competed in her first Junior Triathlon along with Ronnie in Lighthouse Class. They had to endure a scooter, cycle and running course. They both received lovely medals and proudly showed them off in school. A double whammy for you Rosa. Well done.
Coral Class had a fabulous time at Shoreham College as part of an activity day involving Science, MFL, Geography, Table Tennis and Handball. They were particularly impressed by the buffet lunch which apparently was “lush”.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier