Hello everyone.
I hope you are well and have avoided the various bugs that are doing the rounds at the moment.
Did you know on this day in 2004 Facebook was launched in the United States. It has become the largest social network in the world. Quite fitting for National Safer Internet Day on Tuesday 7th February. Also on this day in history – Rosa Parks was born in 1913. What an incredible lady!
Thank you to those who attended our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. A special thank you to Mr Winstone, Gretal and Isla for leading the assembly and making sure everyone had a good time. Raphael even brought his fan club with him!
Congratulations to Ivy on receiving an Oscar. Ivy is confident, respectful and always kind to everyone. She tackles every task with her head held high and whenever anyone is playing with her, there is laughter and smiles all around. What a superstar!
Congratulations also to Howl on being presented with a Gold Award. Five mentions in the log book. Well done Howl.
Our Golden Ticketers were: Jeta and Raphael (Minnows), Enzo and Ella (Seashells), Daniel and Alana-Mai (Starfish), Lilah-Belle and Felix (Dolphins), Lyra and Emily (Lighthouse), Lena and Elyse (Coral) and Thomas and Berry (Ocean). Well done all.
Lighthouse Class were the class with the best attendance with a staggering 98.9%.
I spotted this lovely animal artwork in Minnows Class this week. Can you spot the animals in the artwork?
Thank you to the parents who attended the Reception Writing and Reading presentation led by Caz Thomas. I hope you found it useful.
Thank you to Mick our Premises Manager for putting up the little fence at the front of the school.
This week saw Year 3 involved in some Turner-inspired artwork.
Do check out the Home Learning Menus that are linked to the different learning journeys. We introduced this across the school in September and believe it gives every child a chance to produce something linked to their interests and strengths: https://shorehambeachprimary.com/home-learning/
A reminder of an upcoming Church of the Good Shepherd event:
Finally, a special mention to Riley (Year 6) who recently took part in a trial for the Worthing Sussex Diving Club……and was successful in getting in. He attends training sessions every Tuesday night and is loving it. He is now hoping that if he trains hard enough he will make the team and compete against other counties. We are all so proud of him. Well done Riley. Check out a short video of Riley below. A future Tom Daley perhaps?!
Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier