Hello everyone.
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly yesterday. Thank you to Mr Winstone and Isla for holding the fort.
Congratulations to Evie, Alba and Mrs Crowhurst. Evie decided that she wanted to raise money for endangered animals and signed up for the WWF’s ‘Big Winter Wander’. She had to walk 5 miles and ending up raising £109. This is her fundraising page: https://wwf-uk.enthuse.com/pf/bryony-jones/post/2528504 Alba is kind, supportive, mature and has a positive attitude to learning. According to her class teacher she is an absolute pleasure to teach with her smiley disposition and easy-going nature. Mrs Crowhurst was a star last week when she undertook eight journeys in the minibus to make sure the Year 1 children got to and from Brighton Sealife Centre safely……on her day off!
Well done also to Lilah on receiving a Gold Award for five mentions in the log book.
The class with the best attendance this week is Coral Class with 97.8%.
Golden Ticketers this week are: Cass and Arun (Minnows), Lawrie and Alice (Seashells), Leandro and Flynn (Starfish), Lily and Harvey (Dolphins), Bow and Florence (Coral) and Gretal and Margarita (Ocean).
On Wednesday, Lighthouse Class enjoyed participating in an indoor tennis event at Shoreham Academy. Plenty of skills were on show. Jerri drove the minibus.
Our Year 4 pupils also enjoyed their day at the Adur Activity Centre. The day finished with them having food, a film and a sleepover in the school. Year 4 parents – I’m sure you have seen these already, but I wanted to share what the children got up to with the whole school community. Thank you to the staff who were involved either at the Activity Centre or helping out in the evening. A special thank you to those who stayed overnight. I imagine you are all catching up on sleep as I type this.
Freya in Minnows is part of the Ripples dance group from Unique Dance Studios in Lancing. The group consists of 20 girls aged 3-10 years old. They competed last Saturday at the Worthing Music and Arts Festival and were awarded 2nd place in their section! They performed a beautiful classical ballet dance routine and were beaming with smiles the whole way through!
And finally, a lovely article in the Sussex Express regarding Indie in Year 1. Indie received an Oscar a couple of weeks ago and it is in the paper https://www.sussexexpress.co.uk/education/six-year-old-who-kayaks-to-school-in-shoreham-wins-award-for-bravery-at-sea-4058920
Coming up this week…….
Tuesday – fertilised chick eggs will be arriving in Minnows.
Friday – Dress Down Day for the PTFA. Details to be PINGed out.
Have a lovely rest of the weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier