Hello everyone.
As we come to the end of the academic year – I have to say ‘what a year it has been.’ There have been many new initiatives implemented, several changes to the school environment and a huge number of successes and achievements. It’s no wonder so many families want their children to come to Shoreham Beach Primary School. We are very proud of our school and I would like to thank you all for your continued support.
Well done to Bronte, Flo, Lily, Hetty and Bow on receiving a Gold Award for five mentions in the Log Book.
Coral Class won the best attendance last week and chose to have Clyde in their class. This is what he got up to:
Work has started on the relocation of the changing room. This will continue over the summer break along with the development of a new toilet suite for Years 4, 5 and 6.
Premises Manager Mick will also be installing a bike shelter at the front of the school, similar to this one:
As you know, we have raised the profile of STEM this year with each class enjoying Mrs Bennett’s Science sessions. Watch out for a new STEM Club run by STEM INNOVATION that will be starting in September. It sounds incredibly exciting.
Over the summer Church of the Good Shepherd will be offering a couple of craft mornings.
Learning highlights this week.
SAM Music
Rob from SAM Music led an assembly with Jenny (Y3), Louis (Y4) and Jake (Y5). In September SAM Music will be offering weekly in-person guitar, piano and vocal lessons at Shoreham Beach Primary School. To enquire (no-commitment), please complete the short online form by clicking the link: https://sammusicservice.com/shorehambeach
Teddy Bear’s Picnic
Thank you to the many parents who turned up for the tea party in Minnows. The food looked amazing and the children had a wonderful time.
Year 6 Leavers
Last week saw our lovely Year 6 pupils enjoying themselves at the Hollywood Bowl. This week they had their leavers party and assembly. The leavers party included fun with the parachute, the chocolate button challenge, hungry hippos, hit the pinata, Olympic shoe flicking and plenty of food. Thank you to all the staff who arranged the activities and helped out.
Thank you also to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Year 6 leavers assembly yesterday. It was a lovely occasion and a chance for us to look back at early photographs and share individual memories. Ocean Class – we wish each and every one of you all the best on the next part of your academic journey. We know you will shine.
Goodbye Miss Phillips
And finally, good luck to Miss Phillips on her Falkland Islands adventure.
Have a lovely summer break everyone. Be good, be safe, be kind. See you on Monday 4th September.
Mr Vallier