Hello everyone.
Yesterday saw our first Funky Friday Assembly of the year take place. Thank you to the parents and grandparents who joined us. A huge well done to Eva, Sammy and Bonnie (Year 6) who helped lead the assembly. You did a great job.
No Gold Award winners yet, but Stan in Year 6 was presented with an Oscar. Stan is so unassuming. He has a lovely, kind nature and a delightful sense of humour. He is shining in Year 6 and should be so proud of what he is already achieving. You are an inspiration Stan.
Golden Ticketers this week were: Poppy and Charly (Seashells), Aidan and Izzy (Starfish), Hugo and Rosa (Dolphins), Lyla and Tom (Lighthouse), Hugo and Rosie (Coral) and Bow and Emily (Ocean).
Attendance Matters
The class with the best attendance this week is Lighthouse Class with an attendance figure of 100%. They will get to choose one of the monkeys.
Learning Highlights
This week saw Year 1 using a Virtual Reality App on the iPads to find Dinosaurs around their classroom. I’m not sure who enjoyed it more – them or me. They weren’t very impressed however, when I told them that my favourite dinosaur was Doyouthinkhesuarus.
On Wednesday, our Year 6 pupils met their Minnow buddy. There was plenty of laughter, giggles, tears and welcoming hugs. It is always a lovely sight to see our older pupils looking after our youngest ones and engaging in the Early Years activities.
Year 4 enjoyed their first swimming lesson at Lancing College. They engaged in the Front Crawl, back stroke and water polo. However, according to Mrs Hampton, the highlight for some of the children was the hairdryer in the changing room!!
Year 3 enjoyed using Atlases and the computer program ‘Padlet’ to share their findings on Chocolate, Cocoa bean farmers and fair trade.
Cake Sale
It’s always heart-warming to hear of how kind our pupils are outside of school. Sammy (Year 6) has family in Morocco who all felt the recent earthquake and had to spend the night outside of their houses. Fortunately, they were all okay. However, Sammy wants to do something to help all the Moroccans, particularly those in the villages in the Atlas mountains, who were worst affected and lost loved ones as well as their homes and possessions. He has decided to hold a cake sale with the help of Jack, Finley and Harri from his class to raise money. The cake sale will take place next Friday after school in the back playground. All proceeds will go to a registered charity supporting the victims of the earthquake. Year 6 pupils and their families will be baking/providing the cakes to sell.
Year 2 drop-off
Year 2 pupils are now allowed to come through the Cheal Close gate in the morning at drop-off time. There will always be an adult on the gate every morning to welcome them and ensure that they safely reach their Year 2 classroom.
If you would like to volunteer in either Minnows, Seashells or Starfish class – please contact the school office or the class teacher directly.
Finally, one of the new songs we are looking to learn this term is this one by Tears For Fears:
Have a lovely weekend everyone. Enjoy the sunshine.
Mr Vallier