Hello everyone.
I hope you are well.
Today is National Carrot Cake Day and Ice Cream for Breakfast Day. Which member of staff sent me this photo of their ice cream, pancake, chocolate spread, banana and squirty cream breakfast? The answer is at the end of this blog.
It is also Elmo’s birthday today. Elmo is a red Muppet character on the children’s television show Sesame Street. He is three and a half years old today – the same age as he was last year and the year before and the year before that!
Funky Friday Assembly
Thank you to the parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly.
Congratulations to Louis and Bella who were presented with one of our new Gold Oscars. Louis received his Oscar for having a mature attitude to learning and producing work of a really high standard. He also overcame a little bit of fear when singing at Young Voices with 8,000 children in very steep seating. He sang his heart out and knew all the words to the 10 songs. He was also rather inspired by the 13 year old drummer who performed on stage.
Bella is simply fabulous! She comes into school early with her mum and carries out jobs for staff with the biggest smile. She is always kind, respectful and polite whether talking to children or adults. She also has a wicked sense of humour! It was a double whammy for Bella this week as she also received a Golden Ticket. Well done both of you.
Gold Awards
There were no Gold Awards given out this week although there are a number of children on four mentions in the log book..
Golden Ticketers
Golden Ticketers this week are: Jenson and Ruben (Minnows), Edden and Hubert (Seashells), Bella and Alfie (Starfish), Joseph and Delilah (Dolphins), Rowan and Ollie (Lighthouse), Hugo and Quinn (Coral) and Isla and Harri (Ocean). You are all fabulous!
Attendance Matters
Starfish Class achieved the best attendance this week with 98.4%. They chose to have Siam for the week.
Harley’s Corner
“Hello everyone. It’s been a bit of a busy week for me. I met one of the Governors, read work brought up to the Log Book, listened to children having guitar lessons with Craig and I even had Bear (Year 3) tell me jokes. Oh, I almost forgot……..Hi Grandma – I’m loving being a school dog!”
This 3D display caught my eye this week. Thank you Dolphins Class.
Bonnie, Cassidy, big sister Ellie & their Mum are all in a production of ‘Oliver – the Musical’, at the Theatre Royal in Brighton. It is being directed by the fabulous Michael Burnie who directed me in ‘Blood Brothers’ and ‘Blue Remembered Hills’ many years ago.
Tickets for ‘Oliver’ are available from: https://www.atgtickets.com/shows/brighton-theatre-group-presents-lionel-barts-oliver/theatre-royal-brighton/
The show runs from Wed 14th Feb – Saturday 17th Feb, Bonnie and Cassidy will be performing in the shows on the Wednesday & the Friday.
Errol’s Surprise
This week Errol (Year 1) brought in an underwater picture that he had created. However, when he told us to look more closely, we could see that it lit up. A lovely surprise. Well done Errol.
Year 6 Drama
Year 6 continue to enjoy ‘Romeo & Juliet’. Just look at the facial expressions as they act out a couple of tense scenes:
Another Funky Friday Videos
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier
The answer to which member of staff sent me the picture of their ice cream breakfast……..Mrs Bennett.