Hello everyone.
Oh, the excitement of World Book Day! The children looked great in their costumes, the staff enjoyed sharing their favourite book character and we even had to search for Mrs Hampton dressed as Wally during a whole school assembly. Madness! Here are a few photographs:
Reading in Unusual Places
Funky Friday Assembly
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. That was by far the busiest Funky Friday Assembly ever! I hope you enjoyed it. Thank you to Terri for being a good sport.
Congratulations to Alba, Thea and Jim on being presented with Oscars this week. Alba received an Oscar for simply being wonderful. She is so kind, so enthusiastic about learning and always smiling. Thea received an Oscar for being the kindest, sweetest and most caring Minnow. She skips into the class every morning with the biggest smile and the brightest “Good morning” to all her friends and the adults. She absolutely loves school and approaches all learning with passion and enthusiasm. She never stops smiling!!! It was a double whammy for Thea as she also received a Golden Ticket. Jim gets his Oscar for being a human dictionary. He has a thirst for knowledge brings such a positive energy to the classroom. His enthusiasm and kindness is wonderful to be around. Well done to you all.
Gold Awards
Gold Award recipients this week are Archie W, Archie T, Amelie, Reuben, Mia, Hugo, Flynn, Howl, Remy and Evie. We have never had this number of Gold Awards presented in one assembly. Holy Guacamole!
Golden Ticketers
Golden Ticketers this week are: River and Thea (Minnows), Arun and Alice (Seashells), Jago and Flossy (Starfish), Bodhi and Leandro (Dolphins), Ella and Felix (Lighthouse), Desmond and Yvie (Coral) Bronte and Logan (Ocean). Well done Ticketers.
Attendance Matters
Seashells Class achieved the best attendance this week with 97.8%. They chose to have Siam for the week.
Fundraising for Shelter
Alba (Year 6) and Ella (Year 1), alongside their big brother Noah, ran a cake sale last weekend. The cost of living combined with cuts to the value of housing benefit were the reason behind the children’s choice of charity to support the homeless – ‘Shelter’. They googled recipes, wrote shopping lists and independently shopped for the ingredients before spending all day Saturday baking and advertising their sale. I will inform you of the total amount raised next week. Well done Alba and Ella.
Harley’s Corner
“Hello everyone. This week I talked to Poppy and Darcey in Year 6, sniffed Max and enjoyed looking at Poppy K’s automaton (see below). I also had my photograph taken with Polly in Year 3. Look at her lovely outfit. I also had a chat with one of Craig’s guitar groups. Happy Grandma’s Day for tomorrow Grandma.”
Poppy’s Talented Grandad
Poppy’s grandad kindly donated an automaton to the school. It is fabulous and will certainly inspire our pupils when it comes to our Design and Technology Week next term. It will be placed in the library for children to have a look at and work out how the different parts move. Thank you, Poppy’s Grandad.
Millie and her Easter Eggs
Millie in Year 2 has come up with the kind idea to take Easter eggs to the Special Care Unit and Children’s Department at Worthing Hospital to hand out to all the children who will be spending time in there over Easter to brighten their day. The Special Care Unit supported Millie immensely after she was born and transferred back down from St George’s Hospital in London where she had been on life support for her rare CDH disease. What a lovely gesture from Millie.
If parents would like to donate an Easter egg, please bring an egg into school before the last day of term. Thank you.
Year 3 & $ Girls Football
Thank you to Mrs Shukla and Dixie who ensured the girls had a great time in the Year 3 & 4 football tournament at Shoreham Academy.
Staffing update
Nicky Loftus has decided to move on after being employed at the school for 17 years. Prior to that she was a volunteer. Nicky’s last day will be 28th March. I am sure you will join me in wishing her the very best with her next venture.
Staff Poems
I have a few staff poems that I am going to try and upload tomorrow.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier