Hello everyone.
I am going to start with a message from Alba (Year 6) and Ella (Year 1), who wanted me to tell you that they raised £24 for the homeless charity ‘Shelter’ (see last week’s blog). Well done you two.
Funky Friday Assembly
Thank you to the many parents and grandparents who attended our Funky Friday Assembly. I spotted a few of you singing along to our songs. Thank you. It was also lovely seeing a sea of red fill the hall. I apologise to any of you who got a bit wet waiting to come in.
Red Nose Day
In total, we raised £450. A Great Red Nose Bake Off was the highlight. Well done everyone and a special thank you to Mrs Bennett and Miss Mann for organising everything. Look at those Science-themed cakes!
Congratulations to Bodhi (Year 3) and Ollie (Reception) on being presented with an Oscar this week.
Bodhi is such a kind, hard working, smiley and enthusiastic member of the class. He always has ideas to contribute to the learning journey lessons from his own research. He is so supportive of his buddies. Bodhi works quietly, perseveres and is a model pupil.
Ollie has had the most amazing start to school life. He has embraced being a Minnow and loves everything about school. He runs into school every morning and is excited to start the day. He loves to challenge himself during his own Discovery time and we have been amazed by the progress he has made in phonics and Maths. He is also one of the kindest and most caring Minnows. He is such a lovely friend and is well liked by everyone! It’s a double whammy for Ollie as he also received a Golden Ticket.
Gold Awards
Herbie was the only pupil to receive a Gold Award this week. Well done Herbie. It’s a double whammy for him as he also received a Golden Ticket this week.
Golden Ticketers
Golden Ticketers this week are: Alicija and Ollie (Minnows), Felicity and Bonnie (Seashells), George and Nimitan (Starfish), Juliette and Herbie (Dolphins), Tom and Theo (Lighthouse), Emily and Kalindi (Coral) Ben and Bonnie (Ocean).
Attendance Matters
Ocean Class achieved the best attendance this week with an amazing 99.3%. They chose to have Monkey Junior for the week.
National Science Week
This week was National Science Week and every class was given a challenge linked to time. Models were made and the children thoroughly enjoyed making sand timers, water clocks, ball runs and new time pieces. Thank you to Mrs Bennett for organising the week.
We also had Marco Holt from the engineering company Pyroban in on Friday. Marco spent the morning with Year 5 working on building and testing model cars.
Harley’s Corner
“Hello everyone. Harley Bear here. This week Dixie gave me new toys (they smelt lovely), I hung out with the netball team, listened to Jarred reading and Aurelia showed me her writing. Grandma…..look at me doing Yoga.”
Year 6 Netball
On Wednesday our Year 6 Netball team competed in a tournament at Shoreham Academy. Well done to the girls who participated.
Chill Out Corners
Brighton Street Artist and our friend Sean Lyons came in to school last weekend to create chill-out corners in the classrooms. What a great way to promote pupil well-being. I will update you once cushions, beanbags, lights and canopy leaves have been added.
PTFA Easter Trail
Easter Trail maps now available to purchase for £2 until next Friday March 22nd. (Go to uniform/merchandise and select Easter Trail).https://www.pta-events.co.uk/shorehambeachptfa/index.cfm?event=login¬LoggedIn=true&success=event&eventId=78187&isProductGroup=true
The Easter Bunny will leave 10 lettered eggs at addresses marked on the map ready for Good Friday. Reassemble the letters to make a word or words and hand your map back to school by Monday April 22nd for your chance to win a £20 ice cream voucher kindly donated by Cotts & Linz.
Feel free to share with local friends, family and childcare settings if you think they would enjoy taking part. Proceeds will be donated towards soft furnishings for the new chill-out corners that are being created in each classroom.Staffing Update
Sadly, Miss Jones will be leaving us at the end of this term. She has been with us since 2018 and her last day will be Wednesday 27th March. I am sure you will join me in wishing Miss Jones all the best in her new job.
Tamsin Simpson-Smith (Teaching Assistant) will also be leaving us. She hasn’t been with us long but wants to pursue her passion of therapy work.
An advert has been uploaded to West Sussex job vacancies for a Teaching Assistant with SEN experience and skills.
Finally, do check out the local Beach News magazine. There is a two page spread on the school with some lovely photographs.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.
Mr Vallier