Weekend Blog – we are the champions.

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. What a week we’ve had in school. Three year groups to the beach, mental health dress-down day and the news that our Year 6 pupils came first in the cross-country. Everybody…….”We are the champions my friends……” Congratulations to Jared on receiving an Oscar...

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Our Heidi

Heidi has qualified with a small group of dancers from Brooks Dance Academy to be part of ‘Team England‘ at this year’s Dance World Cup. As you can imagine the cost of it all is mega! And so the dancers are all trying to fund raise for costumes, rehearsal cost...

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Weekend Blog

Hello everyone. I hope you are well and enjoying the sunshine on this beautiful Saturday morning. There were no Oscars this week but congratulations to Wilbur, Dollie and Ailsa on receiving Gold Awards. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend everyone. See you on Tuesday (Star Wars Day). Mr Vallier

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Weekend Blog – a double whammy.

Hello everyone. Thank you for your lovely comments regarding yesterday’s Funky Friday Assembly video and my Smarties magic trick. I do however, have to apologise to Stanley in Reception who was not impressed that I had tricked everyone. Apparently he informed the adults in his class that he is now...

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Looking forward to seeing you all

Hello everyone. I hope you are well and have managed to book up hair appointments and see friends and family over the Easter break. On Friday families were informed which school their child had been allocated for the next academic year. For those of you who gained a place at...

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