Weekend Blog – After The Storm

Hope you’re all okay. What a fabulous week! Remembrance Day, Dress Down Day, Children In Need and so many items donated for the Christmas hampers. On behalf of the PTFA……thank you so much. Just what we needed as we head into an unsettled stormy weekend. There has been evidence of...

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Weekend Blog – what a team!

Hello everyone. Hope you are all okay. As I write this, the sun is shining and there are some beautiful autumnal colours on the trees and on the ground. Take a moment to breathe it all in if you can. I wanted to take this opportunity of thanking Nick our...

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Mid-week blog……..display time.

Hello everyone. Hope you are well and enjoying the half term break. We are still thinking of you. A huge thank you for your many positive comments regarding the Virtual Tour and Funky Friday Videos. Series One will be available on Netflix……..only joking! A huge thank you also to Mrs...

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Weekend Blog – Stay Safe Everyone

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. Thank you for the many positive and kind comments that I have received regarding how well the children have settled and how much they are enjoying school. A big thank you to the staff who have worked tirelessly to make sure the children...

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Weekend Blog – A Harvest Thank You

Hope you are well. Thank you so much for your kindness and generosity this week. The amount of food and other items that were donated to Shoreham Food Bank was incredible. You are all quite amazing. Thank you again. Congratulations to Ailsa (Year 5) on receiving the Oscar. Do check...

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