Weather With You

Happy Saturday everyone. What a week………rain, sunshine and strong winds. With thunder and lightning still to come. Apparently our Year 5 children were lucky with the weather and had a great time at Lodge Hill. Thank you to Mr Winstone, Miss Phillips, Mrs Bennett, Mrs Hampton, Mrs Lamper and Miss...

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Let’s Harvest

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. Did you see the beautiful Harvest Moon this week? It certainly lit up a rather dark few days with fuel shortages and energy companies ceasing to trade. Thank you to all those who joined us for our weekly Funky Friday Assembly. Your positive...

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Light Up The Sky

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. The mornings may be staying darker a little longer and the evenings may be getting darker earlier, but when the children of Shoreham Beach Primary School sing – it lights up a room. Thank you to all the parents who joined us for...

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A touch of drama and a sprinkle of music

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. It has been so wonderful to see the children back in school this week. So many happy, smiley faces. One parent even shared that her children were so excited about coming back to school that last Sunday they announced ‘only one more sleep...

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We have pupil places available

A number of people have been emailing and asking if we have pupil places available in certain year groups. These are the year groups where we have spaces. Reception – four pupil places available Year 2 – one place available Year 3 – six places available Please contact the school...

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