We have pupil places available

A number of people have been emailing and asking if we have pupil places available in certain year groups. These are the year groups where we have spaces. Reception – four pupil places available Year 2 – one place available Year 3 – six places available Please contact the school...

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Weekend Blog – Could It Be Magic?

Hello everyone. As I write this blog – it is the calm before the storm. It’s the morning of the Euro Quarter Final involving England against Ukraine. The day could end up being a magical day. A bit like when George Horlock (magician) came and visited us last week and...

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You can be whatever you want to be.

We have always said – set your sights high for nothing is impossible if you believe in yourself. This is an article related to an ex-Shoreham Beach Primary and Shoreham Academy student who is ‘making a big impression’ playing football in the United States… https://www.shorehamherald.co.uk/sport/football/from-shoreham-to-new-york-via-wyoming-laurens-amazing-football-journey-3284577  

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