Sport, Sport and More Sport

With 16 countries remaining in the Euros tournament and Wimbledon starting next week – it really is an exciting time. These are the remaining countries and the class that is linked to that country: Croatia (Reception), Germany (Reception), Austria (Year 1), Ukraine (Year 1), Belgium (Year 1), England (Year 2), ...

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Don’t Mention The Football

Hello everyone. I hope you are having a good weekend. Well done to our Year 3 and Year 4 Rounders Team who put in a magnificent performance in the week. Congratulations to Purdy and Berry on receiving Oscars. Congratulations also to Leonie who received a Gold Award. See you all...

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Weekend Blog – Football Fun

Hello everyone. I hope you enjoyed the opening game of the Euro Tournament last night. I the staff have Italy in the sweepstake!!! Here is a link to a bit of spot the difference football fun: Here is a bit more football fun……find the football. Congratulations to Poppy on...

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Weekend Blog – on this day in history.

Hello everyone, I was listening to Talk Sport this morning and the presenters were talking about tonight’s Champions League Final. At one point they mentioned that on this day in 1968 Manchester United became the first English club to win the European Cup. This got me thinking about other events...

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