A thought-provoking week

What a thought-provoking week. Wellness Wednesday saw everyone involved in a range of activities including yoga, art, making stress balls, playing board games and cooking. There was plenty of talk about the importance of mental health. As a staff, we are looking at Curriculum Development with some very exciting learning...

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Great British Bird Watch 2021

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. This weekend sees the RSPB’s Great British Bird Watch. A chance for you to count how many different species of birds you see in your garden. For further details – click on the link below: https://www.rspb.org.uk/get-involved/activities/birdwatch/?sourcecode=BWMITH0230&channel=paidsearch&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIoP-h3cfD7gIVyLTtCh0bGQ5VEAAYASAAEgL2oPD_BwE Thank you for your positive comments about...

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Scrabble Tiles

Hello everyone. I hope you are well. A child this week told me how much they were enjoying playing board games at home with their family. They said that their favourite game was Scrabble. A game that always comes in the top ten most popular board games. It then got...

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Funky Friday Assembly – 22nd January

Happy Funky Friday everyone. I hope you are safe and well. Enjoy the assembly video and don't forget to click on this link at the end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zCRUPWDIgYM&playnext_from=TL&videos=7J2TaP7n5Qo&feature=sub&safe=true Mr Vallier    

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Weekend Blog – Five Words

I hope you are well. Week two of remote and bubble learning resulted in some superb work being produced both at home and in school. Thank you to the parents for ensuring that your child is engaging in the work that is being set as well as the interactive sessions...

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Weekend Blog – Remote Learning Week 1

Morning everyone. I would like to start by saying thank you to all the children who engaged in the remote learning this week and to the parents who sent such positive and supportive messages to the school. We are missing you all greatly and school isn’t the same without you....

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